St. Joseph’s College Magazine features Donato Tramuto

Building the Soul of a Successful Company
Donato Tramuto H '19 Talks About "All the Pearls on the String" – They are: Vulnerability, Goals, Measurement, and Reward, Cultural Norms with Accountability, Communications Systems and the Willingness to Embrace Critique, and Stories.

“When you have less than an hour to speak with a person who is the CEO of a Nasdaq public corporation, the founder of two international philanthropic organizations, an award-winning global health activist, and an author, where does one begin the conversation? It seemed prudent to get to the heart of things, because that’s where Donato Tramuto’s attention is focused–on the heart, or to be more specific, on the soul of a successful, change-making organization.” ~ Excerpt from St. Joseph’s College Magazine

Read the full story on the St. Joseph’s College Magazine website

Hearing Human Need

This isn’t just what we do.
We believe it’s our duty as citizens of the world. Attuned to people and the challenges they face, be it here in Maine, or across oceans, our goal is to make resources available to individuals and communities in need through collaborative partnerships.

+1 (207) 646-7790


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