Identifying the impact of wellness

Scholarship to support students pursue their passion for population health
Graduates are equipped with the expertise and global vision necessary to shape future health systems and policies addressing the promotion and protection of human health, social justice, human rights, the dignity of individuals, and the integrity of communities.

In the increasingly complex world of global public health, the health care leaders of tomorrow are taking innovative approaches to wellness – identifying and addressing not just the physical determinants of one’s health, but the critical social determinants that can often pre-determine an entire population’s wellness or disease.

To further the advancement of this revolutionary work and empower a new generation of leaders in the healthcare industry, the Tramuto Foundation has partnered with the Jefferson College of Population Health (JCPH) to create the first-ever endowed scholarship for promising students in need.
JCPH, led by Dean David B. Nash, is the first college of its kind in the nation. The College is dedicated to identifying the impact of critical social determinants on health outcomes, with an eye toward recommending innovative solutions to today’s complex public health issues in the US and across the globe.

Graduates are equipped with the expertise and global vision necessary to shape future health systems and policies addressing the promotion and protection of human health, social justice, human rights, the dignity of individuals, and the integrity of communities.

The Tramuto Endowed Scholarship will help ensure that highly qualified students who may face challenging life or socioeconomic circumstances have the ability to pursue their passion for population health and take with them the skills and knowledge they acquire to help improve the lives of their communities. The College will match the scholarship funds to double the impact for its student body.

As part of their education experience, JCPH students complete a capstone project where they demonstrate their ability to make an impact in the real world. Students also have an opportunity to participate in community-based research at one of JCPH’s two Centers for Population Health Research (one in rural Pennsylvania and one in Philadelphia). These learning laboratories provide our students with a deep, rich understanding of the complexities and challenges inherent in improving population health.

“We’re proud to partner with JCPH to support the next generation of global healthcare leaders,” Donato said. “When I imagine the future of healthcare, I see a world where we take a holistic approach to wellness, ensuring people are healthy in mind, body, and spirit, where we break down traditional barriers to ensure that every human being has access to care. Through this scholarship, we can help ensure that those who share that passion and that vision are able to deliver on their promise.”

Hearing Human Need

This isn’t just what we do.
We believe it’s our duty as citizens of the world. Attuned to people and the challenges they face, be it here in Maine, or across oceans, our goal is to make resources available to individuals and communities in need through collaborative partnerships.

+1 (207) 646-7790


501c3 Organization